Transformational Presence Global Gathering 2022, Netherlands.


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Instytut Transformującej Obecności

Registration and Pricing


The Global Gathering is not intended to be a money-making venture. It is an event organized by the community for the community in the hope that all community members who wish to join us can do so. Therefore, the Gathering fee is calculated to cover event expenses. Any income that remains after all expenses are paid will go to the Transformational Presence Global Foundation to continue supporting the expansion of Transformational Presence in the world.

The Registration Fee includes our full Gathering program. The Registration Fee does not include travel or accommodation and meals. Full information for the Manor House meal and lodging packages is below. Your total Gathering costs will be the Registration Fee + the food & lodging option you choose + travel.

Invoices for the registration fee will be sent through the Transformational Presence Global Foundation by the end of May. (The Foundation paperwork will soon be completed, and a bank account can then be opened.)
Registration is Open!
In-Person Registration—you will be with us in Kraków—€ 275 (incl VAT)
Online Registration—you will be with us on Zoom—€ 125 (incl VAT)
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation before June 30, 2023—full refund minus 10%
Cancellation before August 31, 2023—full refund minus 50%
Cancellation after August 31, 2023—no refund
Meal and Hotel Packages at the Manor House
We have negotiated several hotel and meal packages at the Tomaszowice Manor House. Each option can be customized for Single room, Double room (2 people), or Triple room (3 people). 


For your reference, the exchange rates for PLN as of March 29th are:
€ 1 = 4.68 PLN
$1 USD = 4.32 PLN


All package prices are per person.


  • Package 1

3 nights with breakfast, 3 Dinners (Thursday-Saturday), 3 Lunches and coffee/tea breaks 
Single room: 1740,51 PLN incl VAT 
Double room: 1384,11 PLN incl VAT per person
3 Persons room: 1286,91 PLN incl VAT per person


  • Package 2

3 nights with breakfast, 2 Dinners (Friday+Saturday), 3 Lunches and coffee/tea breaks  
Single room: 1643,31 PLN incl VAT
Double room: 1286,91 PLN incl VAT per person
3 Persons room: 1189,71 PLN incl VAT per person


  • Package 3

2 nights with breakfast, 3 lunches, 2 dinners (Friday+Saturday), and coffee/tea breaks
Single room: 1330,11 PLN, incl. VAT
Double room: 1097,51 PLN, incl VAT per person
3 Persons room: 1027,71 PLN, incl. VAT per person

If you wish to add additional nights and meals to your stay before or after the Gathering, please make those arrangements directly with the hotel.  
How to Reserve Your Hotel and Meal Package
The deadline for hotel and meal package reservations is 30 July 2023. After that date, we cannot guarantee that there will be a room available at the Manor House itself. Please reserve your stay at the venue by sending an email to Magdalena Jainta at the hotel at


Please include in your registration email:  

  • Your name and surname, Global Gathering 2023
  • Your company details (if applicable) (with VAT number if your company is VAT registered)
  • Your email address
  • The hotel and meal package number and type of room that you wish to reserve (example: Package 1—Single Room)
  • If you are reserving a booking double room or a room for three persons, please include the name(s) of your roommates
  • Dietary requirements or restrictions

The invoice for the Hotel and Meal packages will be sent to you by the Manor House. You will pay the Manor House directly. For any questions regarding your stay (food and lodging), please be in touch with the Manor House directly. This includes dietary requests.  

Flight services often recommend two airports for flying into Kraków: Kraków-Balice and Katowice- Pyrzowice. However, we strongly recommend that you fly into KRAKÓW BALICE. It is close to the venue—about 20 minutes via taxi. The cost for the taxi should be 20-25 euros.  
The weather in this area of Poland can vary in late September-early October. It can be hot and summery, or it can be cold autumn weather. We advise that you check your favorite weather portal before you pack and be prepared for mild variations. A mild warm jacket and a sweater are always welcome in Poland at that time of year.
Optional Group Activity: Guided Tour to Auschwitz & Birkenau
Several people have expressed an interest in visiting Auschwitz, the former World War II concentration camp, now called The Museum of Holocaust and Human Heroism. There is the possibility to organize a trip on Thursday, September 28th for all who are interested, including transportation and guide, directly from the hotel. The trip includes visits to both the Auschwitz and Birkenau camps. We just need to know who is interested. On the Gathering registration form, you will have the option to make your choice and take part in that deeply moving experience.

If you plan to join this optional group excursion, you will need to arrive in Kraków no later than Wednesday, September 27th. The Auschwitz trip is a whole day experience with lots of walking and sensing. So, if you wish to join us for this experience, please plan your travel accordingly.
Further Questions or Concerns about the Hotel or Travel?
If you have further questions or concerns about the hotel or travel, please be in touch with Joanna Maria Zawada ( or contact Magdalena Jainta directly at the hotel (
Launching the Transformational Presence Global Community LinkedIn Group
So that our community can stay even better connected, we have now launched a closed (private) LinkedIn group for the TP Global Community. Please join us:


Our community newsletters will continue to be sent via email to reach everyone, even if not on social media.
We can’t wait to see you in Poland in September!
We are so looking forward to seeing you at the Gathering in Kraków!
On behalf of the Core Committee and the Gathering Stewards,
Joanna Maria Zawada (Poland)
Sander van Eekelen (The Netherlands)

Anna Kania - Pasjonatka Transformującej Obecności, uwalniająca autentyczność i rozświetlająca prawdę. Coach akredytowany w Izbie Coachingu, Team Coach, psycholog, trener, specjalista ds. rozwoju.


Pełniąc, jak każdy z nas, wiele różnych ról, aktualnie mocno czuje, że w każdej z nich jestem przede wszystkim kobietą, która wytrwale każdego dnia uczy się być w swoim życiu i w relacjach świadomie i prawdziwie sobą, w pełnej obecności i uważności na to, co przynosi kolejny dzień.


Od 14 lat pracuje z ludźmi, w tym ponad 9 lat spędziła w obszarze Zarządzania Zasobami Ludzkimi (Human Resources) pracując w globalnych korporacjach z branży IT i automotive. Coachingiem zajmuje się od 2016 r. Od kilku dobrych lat jest w nieustannym procesie własnego samorozwoju, co osobiście uwielbia i czerpiąc z różnych inspiracji towarzyszy swoim klientom w tym, co dla nich ważne.


Krąg Słuchania (listening circle) jest dla niej żywym przykładem tego, jak wiele daje nam obecność, bycie ze sobą, wsłuchiwanie się w siebie i w innych oraz dzielenie się tym, co w nas prawdziwe, żywe, autentyczne. Jak jedna godzina spędzona razem w gronie mniej lub bardziej znanych osób tworzy przestrzeń dla realnych zmian, daje jasność, oddech, a czasami pozwala spotkać się z tym, co trudne, niewygodne i spychane na dalszy plan.

2023 Transformational Presence Global Gathering will take place near Kraków, Poland.


The energy and excitement is building and we hope you will join us! For the first time, you will have the option of participating in person or live online. More about that below!
The Global Gathering offers a unique opportunity to connect and be with like-hearted people in the Transformational Presence community. It’s a time and place to rest in the embrace of Transformational Presence, and to reflect, discover, and explore the callings of your heart in this rapidly changing world.

Gathering Theme. The theme for the 2023 Global Gathering as it has emerged through the work of the Core Committee and Stewards feels to us like an urgent invitation to connect with all that is present in the world right now. The Great Breaking Open has become more and more visible in so many areas of our lives.

This year’s Gathering theme directly links to the mission of the Center for Transformational Presence, Create a World That Works. It calls us all to a more radical response to what is happening in the world, whether nearby or far away. Many of us belong to the Transformational Presence community because we also want to create a world that works. That is only possible through our inspired actions, of which a vital element is courage. So…sense into the Global Gathering 2023 theme. Let your heart, belly, and mind tap into this vibrant invitation, finding your own response to it…


Create a world that works
What if…the time to step up is now
The shift is in the courage


The 2023 Global Gathering will be a place of discovery, of experiential learning, and of commitments. It is designed not only to inspire us to learn something new; it is designed to call us forth in our individual and collective steps forward—to foster real contributions to the world as we experience it in our personal and/or professional lives. The content of the Gathering program continues to unfold and show itself to us. Look for a follow-up email in a few weeks with more details. For now, below you will find important logistical information about the overall Gathering schedule, the venue, lodging, and registration.  

Hybrid formula for 2023

For those who are not able to join the Global Gathering in person, for 2023 there will be a Zoom online Gathering that will offer you the possibility to be present and practice with us in a more direct way than in 2022. A special Online Gathering Team led by Katarina Cars (Sweden) is already creating space for a more engaging virtual presence. More information will follow soon. 

Logistical Details
The Gathering will take place in the Tomaszowice Manor House near Kraków, in the south of Poland.
Thursday 28 September—18.30 CET (6:30 pm)—Welcome Dinner
Friday 29 September—9.00 CET (9 am)—Opening Ceremony
Sunday 1 October—15.00 CET(3 pm)—Gathering concludes with Closing Ceremony

Poland, Tomaszowice Manor House & online

29.09 - 01.10 2023



29th Sept. - 1st Oct. 2023, Tomaszowice Manor House, Poland & on-line 

2023 Transformational Presence Global Gathering

16 lipca 2024

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Blue way up Patryk Lange, 

Rynek Główny 34/15, 31-010 Kraków



Telefon: + 48 601 959 519

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Instytut Transformującej Obecności